

About US
who are we? a very monotonous phenomenon that one runs across on typical blogs, quotes and perhaps old public restroom doors....

But the essence of Us...
well, it can be summed up to either everyone, or a section of the rest, the rest of the world but us but in this case you and I exclusive of the world.

You and I comes to make a perfect equation of the Us ratio.
Come across my old writings to an address that reads Me...
how moving that a letter I must send to you I address to Me...

I'll now tell you about us...
how me is we and you carry not my half but my whole self with you.
I call you selfish, but you are so full of me and I of you.

How I fell in love with you before I even knew you,
how in my imagination and dreams you've always been the perfect soulmate and all my poems and stories actually transformed and became about You as if you were some form of prophecy or better yet the one I've always had but couldn't see.

Words may fail to commemorate and sum the word US up...
but when it comes to Us; that word purely means Love.

I long for you in every way,
mourn you everyday with the faded imprint of a day that will never come when you are not around, miss you in your presence, overthink you in your absence...
Too much of you going on in me,
Quite an illness this Us thing;
But I swear it's cured a lot of my illusions and fantasies of a love that is not...