

Droplets of Happiness...!
First Rain...!
First Rain...!
Not Reel Rain ,
It's Real Rain!

Travelling in an Auto-ricksaw , a Routine..
A Routine...no more routine...!
Suddenly Droplets of Rain touched the heart..
And upgrades to Droplets of Happiness !

View from an Auto-ricksaw, a Routine..
A Routine...no more routine...!
Magic of Droplets on every face ,
Smile on every lips and whites all out !

Men busy in their so-called jobs, a Routine..
A Routine...no more routine...!
All out, enjoying the breezy view
With cup of tea and hot tikis !

Ladies busy in household chores, a Routine..
A Routine...no more routine...!
Dancing in the balconies and terraces
Like no one's having a look !

Children busy with schools , a Routine..
A Routine...no more routine...!
Surprise holidays and Celebration time..
Dancing, singing and playing time!

Reduces stress upto 60%
A Common Happiness..!
A Routine..no more remains Routine..!
