

"Who are we?"

..,Why are you here, again?
"Because, we need to talk"
I don't want to talk, it hurts.
"You know you'll be stuck here until you do."
Fine. What do we need to talk about.?
"Who are we?"
"Who. are. we?"
We're us.
"No. Who are we?"
I don't know, we just are.
"Do we have a purpose?"
We were born, and now we serve the world until we die.
"But what about us?"
What about 'us'?
"What's the point?"
To serve.
"But why? What if we just, didn't?"
Then we would die sooner.
"There's more to the world than just serving."
Doesn't feel like that. Are we done here?
I have to go, it's late.
"Can't, still need to talk"
We just talked?
"No, you ran around our questions"
I'm done taking, I'm going to bed.
"You can't leave yet, remember, you're stuck"
I've always been stuck, never stopped me.
"What do you mean by that?"
All my life, something tries to hold me down. I've always been stuck.
"So are you stuck?"
I guess?
"But it doesn't stop you?"
Sometimes it does, and that's okay..
"...okay. Goodnight, Clay. We'll talk tomorrow"
Goodnight, me.

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