

To my Valentine
In the depths of my heart, a longing resides,
For the touch of your hand, where love abides.
With each passing day, I yearn for your voice,
To hear you say my name, to rejoice.

Oh, how I miss the way we used to talk,
Bathed in the warmth of emotions, we'd walk.
Like a symphony, our words would dance,
Creating melodies of love and romance.

The sound of your voice, like a gentle breeze,
Whispering sweet nothings, putting my heart at ease.
It echoes in my mind, a cherished refrain,
A melody that lingers, relieving my pain.

Tonight, in the realm of dreams, I reach out,
Imagining your presence, erasing all doubt.
I long to touch you, to feel your embrace,
To kiss away the tears, and see your face.

For in this moment, my love, I must confess,
You hold the key to my heart's happiness.
No distance can quell the fire that burns,
As my love for you forever yearns.

So let these words be the messenger of my love,
Sent across the stars, to the heavens above.
Know that you are cherished, forever adored,
In the depths of my soul, forever stored.

As the night unfolds, our love remains,
Through the trials and tribulations, it sustains.
In the whispers of longing, we find our solace,
A love that transcends time, with its grace.
© shewriteslove