

Marine Core Bound
He served his Country and he served it proud.
Marine Core bound, "semper fi".
Never complained when the artillery got loud.
Watched some of his good friends die.

He came home a hero in his fresh dress blues.
He honerably served his enlisted time, steady.
What would come next, he didnt have a clue.
His nightly flashbacks, started getting heavy.

He felt like he would be ok after his trip to the V.A.
He wasnt currently getting enough sleep.
He hoped there was a pill, to make it all go away.
More and more, haunted memories start to creep.

Anything loud around him, drove him insane.
It would put him right back in the war.
The medicine did'nt help, but he never complained.
He started questioning what this life was for.

He turned to illegal drugs, they eased his mind.
He found peace in making himself numb.
A suvillian purpose he could not find.
His family treated him like he was dumb.

His first attempt on his own life had failed.
Soon after he found himself living on the streets.
After his wife and son up and bailed.
The man felt nothing but defeat.

The more he would fall, the more the heroine called.
He traded off all of his worldly posessions.
He spent most of his time in the dark curled up in a ball.
Suffering from P.T.S.D. and major depression.

The voices within, had him convinced he'd be better off dead.
Every thing in his life had been lost.
So he put his pistol up to his head.
And payed the ultimate cost.

His own country had let him down.
He had inadequite medical care.
His family was nowhere to be found.
He could'nt find them anywhere.

when they found his body he was holding 2 flags.
The first one said "dont tread on Me".
The other was American faded and in rags.
The words written on it in black ink said: My country abandoned me!

© James L. Babcock Jr.

credit due to the United States Marine Core for the use of the terms "semper fi" and "dont tread on me"

Nearly 17 United States Soldiers commit suicide every day. Yet we are spending millions if not billions of dollars to feed and house illegal immigrants. While our Heroes go without adequate medical and mental health care. It's time to close the borders, send the illegals packing and start taking care of our own. Charity begins at home!