

The home wrecker
I could not sleep last night. Sin kept me up. I tried to be a good girl. Battling with the devil as he whispered temptations. The scene was set in motion. He was beckoning to me, his wedding band on his finger. My heart was pounding. My knees were buckling. My mind was whistling from the pressure of the pent up voices inside my head. At his touch, I have lost all ability to reason. I have become caught in the trap, at the mere taste of his lips. The prey has become moist and ready for the slaughter. At the sight of the predator there is a feigned struggle. At the thrust of the blade, I fall into a deep dark hole as pleasure shoots threw my body there are tears in my eyes. I have lost the battle. I have stepped into the burning flames. My sleep is now lost forever. I have become sleepless.
© NasibaLizzie