

The Storm Of Evil
Just as the rain started to fall,
Forces of good and evil instantly clashed,
In circles and in twirls that darkens all,
Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed,
Nothing about this storm is small,
Trees ripped from the ground and into houses they crashed,
In the distance I see a woman skinny and tall,
Objects barely missing her around her they smash,
I yelled out for her to get down and crawl,
Just then a beam of electrical torture flashed,
she laid on the ground "Help Me" she cried,
So into the storm I went to save the lady from a blood bath,
Soon she would be safe warm and all,
As we wait for the sky to clear and all evil gone at last.

the World is full evil and storms are plenty,
We have to protect each other and give love to many,
together we can make a difference, one that will last,
So let's become a team and kick satans ass,
I will be there fighting right beside you,
Hear me Devil you and your Evil I REBUKE,
I PRAY for you all each and every day,
And ask God to lead us in the right way,
i also ask him to give us strength, peace, and love,
When we leave this place may we live with him above.
Forgive us all for our sins, I ask these things in his name. AMEN.