

Lady Snow
48 years of my dark caged life are now getting light from somewhere. I decided to find out where this little light coming from.

I travelled my emotional oceans.
Climbed up many Sorrow snow mountains. I got soaked in this dreadful blood notions.
I devoted for these passing cloud commotions.
I was beaten up by those miserable mutilations.

I just don't understand why am I trying to find out where the light is from and why am I going through all these merciless travels instead to sacred the holy light. And then I found it. That's your revere temple lighten up with millions of illuminations.
You are coming out from this sacred loch appearing like a shimmer moon.

Those beautiful flowers shower from nowhere on you and I couldn't focus on any of it except you. My Lady Love you are my destiny. I praise this eternity moment of my Life.

Slowly the voice shivered the body chills due to snow fall. The Lady Love singing Lullaby low key making her lap as a pillow and his last words are I saw You.
© rosiwrites