

Riding on a train,
I can hear the faint sound of rain.

The train keeps moving ahead
With no station to stop at.
Filled with so many passengers all around;
Some wearing their imaginary crowns
While some others are wearing frowns.

On my left,
I see a group of children
Dancing to a song of joy
Sung by another group of young teenagers
Who have no worries to hold on to.

Then my eyes fall on a group of
young adults, probably in their early twenties,
Who are having difficulty
In coping with the rate
At which the train is speeding off.

When I look to my right,
I see a few middle aged people
Who seem settled in their seats
And yet, somewhat unsettled.
They are looking at the children.
Some with nostalgic smiles
And some with dreams in their eyes.

Just beside them, I see an old couple
Holding hands, thinking back
To how it was 'back in their days'.

Across from the lovely couple is sitting an old lady.
I can see her smiling at them,
A smile of 'loved and lost'.

Then I look in front.
And I see me.
The real one.
The 'me' I had lost somewhere down the tracks.
And I say
'I missed you'.

© SheWrites