

God Saved Me
I'm not happy here at home,
And I pray that God sees me,
And he heals these burdens I strap to my chest,
To live vibrant in the seasons,
That seems to spring on me at random,
When I'm alone howling for change to come,
At the moon to send down a star for me to follow,
A sign that my sleep a go peaceful tonight,
That I'll wake not in despair but enlightenment,
When that sun comes knocking at my eyelids,
I'll be good to stand and howl again,
For God made me not afaird,
But wise not wisdful,
So I sat on these long nights,
And grip my fears in my palms,
And pray that God a heal my soul,
That my knees was to weak to hold,
And guide me pass these wicked fences,
That my mind barricaded me in,
I pray that God save me from myself,
Before this world cosume me,
I pray that God continue to guide me,
And love me forever,
As I walk forever in his faithfulness.
© DR