

Fondness uncompared
You strong,
Brave enough to take on the tech world,
Relenting enough to handle Bekezela,
Daring enough to present your reports done a few minutes after you just finished them.

You a biker,
A church girl,
A lover,
A good friend,
And you a girl.

You cry when it hurts,
You tell your piece when you not happy,
You deliberately judge and state with a whole heart that you are, and your relationship with your brother is the most purest thing.

You love God,
You love your friends,
And you are most supportive.

So I call,
When the clients are having the worst network, or when I need help with anything tech related,
I call.

Not because you not busy,
But you make it so easy to trust you,
To talk to you, to pour to you because you give the best advice.

It is corny sometimes,
But I promise it's helpful.

I thought I was going to cliche this,
But no, I would like something a little different.

Because I could say how much I love your fashion sense, your responsible demeanor, your frustration outbursts, your little moments of speaking your mind out, and all I can think of right is how much I have grown fond of you.

Of your presence,
Your joy,
How you hold yourself together,
How you let God do Him,
How you just being you creates the best kind of happiness.

I miss your boyfriend jeans,
Your photo aesthetics that I now only see on your status, your monthly bouquet of flowers, your black boots, your eating habits, and loudspeaker phone calls when Umzumbe is down, and I miss you.

You radiate white lilac energy,
Pure and bright,
Elegant and homely,
Nice and warm.

Like I said, I have grown fond of you,
And I could go on if I wanted to mess this poem up.

So I will stop here,
With me loving you as a friend,
And wishing you all well wishes as a sister in Christ.

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