

An Ode to Mom
Dear mom,

Thank You for being my mother,
for being there for me always.
For believing in me even when
I failed to believe in my self.

Words cannot express how much I love you….There is no way I can repay what you have given to me….

I have seen you tired...but happy..
I have seen you hiding your tears behind your smile …...always trying to make me happy…

I know that you have burried your dreams to make my world move…..
I have seen your hurts hands you try to hide….those hands are the cradle of my life where I nourished my childhood….where I hid my fears
and spread my wings to fly…

I can still feel the soft touch of your hand of my face..there is no better comfort….no safe place where
I can ran into…

Days fade away...leaving the cherrished memories of you….

Death, The last enemy seems long way off behind old-age and infirmities….it may take you away….we may not see each other then…

But wherever you will be….you will never stop loving me...you will still cry for me..you will a
Still believe that I can….thats why mom...you are my everything…

Love from the depths of my heart..
For all the lives yet to come….i have only one wish….that I want you as my mother…..always….

Love you….