

I’m fucked
i love to look in her eyes they open a part of my soul
i want to be with her through thick and thin
but i know if it came to it she wouldn't depend on me
i'm just a backup option the second string quarterback no one knows
but i'm okay with that as long and she likes me and i like her
even if it's in different ways i will put up with this torture no matter what
because now i'm clung on and i think i'm stuck
if it grows then it grows but i'll be fine with this
i just wanna spend time with her even if it's not long romantic dates
i'm perfectly fine with a long face time
as long as i can see her beautiful face that always looks beautiful no matter what
and listen to her voice that is so perfect it rivals the greatest melody
have deep conversations about life or even just what we're going to eat for dinner
i'm trapped but i don't want to leave.
© Tafari