

Pump Your Brakes For Goodness Sakes!
Trying to get home fast as can be.
I was counting down the minutes
As agonizing as it was for me.
I did not care about the horizon or sun setting In the west.
My only true focus was getting home and Getting undressed.
Eating something good and taking time to rest.
I didn't care about the news, the tragedy or the muse, all I really wanted was too listen to the blues.
I woke up in a hurry, eyes blind to the sun Rising in the east.
I was in a hurry,
Had important people to greet.
I did not hear the birds chirping, nor the Childrens laughter.
I was on a mission, how could I see the Livestock in the pasture?
The bees pollinating or the people as they'd gathered.
All I cared about was my happily ever after....
I went on about my way through this Beautiful Disaster.


# Pump your brakes

© Lacey Fetters 2020