

Sun and Moon's dance

Like the Moon that chases the Sun.
No matter how fast I move, I'm right where I begun.
I get a slight glance, but it's never enough.
I long for the Sun's warm embrace.
But every once in a while I win the race.
Those times we overlap.
Where I'm completely engulfed with the Sun's rays reach out and wrap.
So we take in every second.
I belive it's called a Solar eclipse I reckon.
I wish this state was permanent.
Set in stone like hard cement.
It's only for a brief moment in time.
These the only time I feel the complete Sun's sunshine.
Then it's back to me chasing.
Round and round we go. It's the cold truth we are both facing.
Both longing for each other.
For it's you I long for, not another.
How I long for your warmth to smother.
Together under the covers...

© venkatjamespersaud