

Scars And Regrets
Dreams shattered..
Loved ones apart
Loneliness settles

How strange..
An action could change everything
Every hope
Every dream

All these scars..
Gained from fine and pure sweat
And all the unending work with all these knees fallen
Still seems to be in vain

Oh why..
Why would I regret now
After having all those pleasurable memories with family and friends

All the happy memories
Seem to fade away with laughter
Welcoming all those gone friends
With their memories forever locked in the walls of our hearts
How I wish we spent more time cherishing the moment
Than cursing the past with hatred and agony...hate...regrets...

It's true..
Life moves with or without you
But we're stuck in the present
With our minds trying to settle the differences between the past and future

We've lived a life full of shame and regrets...
We'll always remember those we grew with
Making them a gem in our hearts and mind

Wishing them greatness..
And asking for forgiveness for all the bad we did against them..

-Michael Webster

© 💛🖤Euphoria State🖤💛