

I want to live alone
I want to be alone
I'm so tired
Tired of all the negative attention
The eyes on me
Watching, staring
Utter humiliation
I want people to look away
Not in fear or hatred, but just because they don't care to look
I don't want friends
I don't want a lover
I just want them to stop
Stop talking about it all
Stop talking about me
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
Just be quiet
Leave me be
I'm tired of friendship
I'm tired of the same jokes over and over again
I get it
I've heard it all a thousand times
It's getting old
I'm tired of going out
So much attention on me
All the eyes
The eyes and ears on me
It makes my skin crawl
It makes me want to tear my face appart
I need to keep my nails shorter so I don't make myself bleed anymore
Go away
I love you, but I'm tired of you
Im so sorry
they ruined it for me
I wish I could just erase them from this world
everything hurts again every time I see them
Every day, my blood boils as I feign apathy
I want to go back and prevent this from ever happening
But I can't
This is permenant
My life will never be the same
I've changed my mind, anyways
I don't want anyone
I'm tired of having enemies
I'm tired of having friends
I want to live on my own forever
I want to just lie in bed and sip on hot strawberry milk every night and go for relaxing walks every day
It would be so peaceful to not have anyone interfere with my days and my plans
But there would be no hands to caress my face
No voice to whisper sweet words to me
I would be alone
I am alone
I feel so lonely
I don't want to feel this way
But I'm so tired
And I'm too afarid of love
And I'm so alone