

Seeing myself
Sometimes I want to get away
Then looking at my little girl, I want to stay
I've made bad choices in my life
But I'm glad I chose to go out that one night
If it weren't for her I would've taken my life
Never to feel pain, only letting it subside
For everyday that passes by
I'm reminded of my past
But one little giggle let's that all pass
I'm grateful for my daughter and the things she does
Thankful for my mother for all she's done
If it weren't for them two
My life would have no meaning
So as I sit here with Ellie, a cup of coffee in hand
I smile knowing everything is finally going to plan
My life is changing day by day
It gets chaotic but I'll never stray
From the people I love, I choose to stay
I choose to fight the demons inside my mind
Everyday is a battle but I'll come out alive
For every battle I face, a scar I find
Still every day is a blessing
I know in my future I'll find my calling
I'll live a life of happiness
This is all I truly want
To live the life I was intended to have
Not the one I always thought

© Kayla M