

Fast Track the Return of the MACS
#Mothers Always Can Spiritually lnc.
I'm back...I took time off, a short break to do a reality check. Once again I got the pleasure and pain of meeting up with the one I met...I was blind sighted by fatal attraction; kind of like what was said/done to the most Greatest Entertainer in the world Michael Jackson...Life to me is so candid, it can be good but it can make you feel like a heartless bandit sometimes I just can't stand it...Yet Im Looking forward to the coming of tomorrow, I realized that I must set forth the motion and release all of my heartaches and sorrows...Pain go away I pray only to see/saw a brighter day each and everyday...
What I see in my future is this mysterious dem light, yet it is the most magnifying sight...Question is; Is this all Mr. Wrong or is this definitely Mrs. Right? The Understanding of this will come like "Healer" in the night...A Black Knight in Spiritual Shining Armour...Nothing like one of the most Evilist of man Jeffrey Dahmer...On that note: Let's skip the commercial, why? Just because I see my life as universal/controversial...In the beginning I was at what I call my rehearsal. l was always led to believe that I was dark, evil and Ugly...All because of my skin color, Today I recognize as Black and Lovely. Word to the Wise this shouldn't come as no Surprise...I have what it takes to no longer run or hide: Humility True Black Pride...I've been given a Voice in order to make the right Choice. I Choose to no longer remain silent and put up with SIN and it's abuse and domestic violence... Let's take a T.R.I.P to Truly Rest In Peace and start to Increase that which is Good and decrease the beast that tries to cause you to doubt what you know you about...A Spiritual New Route... Mothers Always Can Spiritually Speaking things in and out of existence while I stay persistent as God's Truest Assistant... Fast Track like Dora the Explorer I'm putting Vegas on the Map all the other poems you read will make you tap a nap... Move over Rover time for the 4 leaf Clover ☘️ oops my bad I thought I told you... Front Line Spiritual Soldier Day One with GOD that's why I named my Only Son Sha'Rhod... middle name Demon, don't judge me the demon in the semen. I definitely have a sense of Humor, laugh if you will of who's Will I Ams
© L.O.V.E Life Of Vitorious Evanglist UnkleTT Jerrie L MacWilliams

© Love Unkle TT Jerrie