

A lover's recluse
The window seat,
The wind messing up your hair,
Your face brightening up,
The cool breeze showering you with incessant kisses.

You stare at the vast nothingness
As we lose sight of the meadows
One after the other.
And when the sun rays caress you
The scarlet hues at play,
Ah! Such a delightful spectacle!

Remember the endless thoughts we used to share?
The ones you'll chuckle at,
The ones that'd well up your eyes
And you'd embrace me, firmly
As our stories would blend
With each breath of yours.

Then, as all good things must end,
So do our journey,
The painful phase of disunion,
Where the stories are no stranger to you,
The lines impressed upon your mind,
The ending all familiar to you.

But the separation is temporary,
I know, you'll come to visit me,
Pick me up from the shelf,
Relive all the words we've shared
Trace your hands on my shoulder
And make me fall for you again.
Then you'll put me back at my place,
My pages still yearning for your touch, yet another time.

It's been an hour and you still haven't flipped over my pages,
How I love it when you read through my words!
Eyes strained but eager,
Immersed in my characters.

So for once,
Hold me close to you,
And savor the aroma,
I've heard people like you love the smell of old books.