

I want to know!
You said u loved me.
Will u be with me when wrinkles have taken over and the beautiful face you knew changes
Will you be with me if my legs were gone and I had to use a wheelchair
What if I loss my mind and become one of those people you laugh at on the street
Or I lose the eyes you get lost in or the hands you want to hold forever, would you still love me?
Will I be yours if I wore rags or burns infested my body
Answer me!!
I pray this never happens but
What if the world stood against me, would you stand by me?
Is it my soul you love or the body housing it.
So tell me is it Lust,Pity, Admiration or Love you feel, for these are totally different things

Ps:if u thought of someone and felt conflicted,you feelings should be thought of.
© Gifty Sampson