

Love Life💕
Woke up by fear
Nightmare Oh Dear!
Doom was so near
My thoughts were not clear..

Hostile was what I dreamt
Never was I choked with a debt
Darkness was friend
Hope kept me waiting for help!

Realized nothing will help
Unless I stood by myself
Saw the poor and the rain
People with no jobs, misery and pain
Relationships no longer survived
Positivity struggled to thrive!

Four walls to see
My Creator! his picture and me
Gathered my strength and then said to myself..
I am alive and have strength
To fight all that negative spell
Avoid the forbidden deadly sight
Will bring back the light for my love and my life.
This is not going to stay ..I will hold strong and not sway!

Counted my blessings!
which was enough...
Then why was I stressing!
Appreciated my surroundings even it included my dreadings.

Hold on so tight
Never be afraid of the plight
Have faith and keep going
Hey together we will be growing..
Out of the night shining so bright
Love and be thankful for this life!

Love is the best gift you and I have got
Never let go of your life and this handful thought!

© bikhri_kafirah✍