

if only
if only you could access space and time
like a DVD allowing us to go back to a certain point giving insight to see

what, was it you missed . where you didn't take heed revealing the awnsers to the questions that you desperately need.

why would she betrayed me not just the affairs but the whispers in my daughters ears

all lies that I father was the one unfaithful and that I did not love her

you know how crushing that would be to a daughter

she would hatch the plan set for 3 years slowley start attacks so crazy i would appear

giving herself the excuse of fear
sighting the reason her and my daughter needed leave here

hiding transgressions engaged in by she to not be seen by friends and family for committing adultery

as for me You would see im in Awww stuck at a loss I gave it everything I had but could not escape loosing my beautiful Daughter in the totality of the cost

for your night of lust to no thought of us ...

you would also see in their records kept of me that I deserved not such a horrific tragedy

from the beginning to my end. I've been a good friend , a good son, a good father and a good husband I gave it everything I had .

But picked the wrong mother for thee.. she put to much on you at 18 just to hide she was a coward who took to major extremes now my daughter I only get to see in dreams

if space and time were like a DVD i would watch all the movies of you growing up

and publish the ones of mother exposing the destructive plan for this family

I sit now a shell of a man your ashes on a shelf and she engaged to re marry and not divorced from me and
just laid to rest my baby girl

if only space and time where like a DVD I would share to all exposing who you be
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