

The Rain and the Earth
You are like the rain
Showers all over me
Cools me
Enrich me with new feelings
I'm like the earth
Ready to receive you anytime
The barrenland of heart
Now glowing with lush greenery
The broken parts are cured
New lives are forming
Making Earth more to live
At sometimes,
You are so cruel
Violent with winds
Force to cause deep wounds on me
Thats for a short time
Well, I forget it
Come back to you
'Cause nothing else can fulfill me.
Born within me,
your talents and growth
Vibrates others with joy.
Yet so many obstacles
Paving way for our seprateness
They haunt me
Hurt me, broke my body
Raises the heat in me
Prevents you to come
Altering my attitude
Leaving me as a rock
Again barren
Yet I longs for that old me
Only you can accomplish it
So shower on me
Kiss every inch of me
Entangle me with your coolness
Glow up with new feelings
Nobody can stop our union
As we know
Our love is eternal
Without you
I'm incomplete...

💕poojafeels 💕

© poojafeels