

The Forbidden
Every contour of life is pegged with memories to cherish for the time way ahead.
My life too has many folds and the bed of each fold is ornamented with special moments of sparkling diamonds under the sky of auroras.
From time to time the sparkling rays from a bed of distant past reaches my eyes and blinds me when I can't see anything from my surroundings except a colorful pattern of dancing rays.
Nor can I hear anything but echoes from long forgotten voices, calling my name. The fusion of the two creates, in my mind, images of my golden past.
An addicted me lie down, slowly and a hypnotised me slowly close my eyes. Before I know anything, I begin to astral travel to the time reversed.
Away from the miseries and sorrows, liabilities and borrows. Never want to be back again. Never ever. The elastic string, of present, tied at the back of me tightens the further I move to the past. A timid feeling begins to penetrate in me. However I resist it....oof!
Dear Lord! I wish I could cut this string off.

© S. A. Marshal 18.06.2018