

Late night message to my ex 😍
I have been up all night!!
I haven't slept!!!
All I have been thinking about is how you use to make me wet!
My body keeps yearning for your finger tips against my breast.
I am frustrated thinking about all the passion I use to get.
Your lips once pleasured me to ecstasy,one look from you and I would be hot and dripping with sweat 😋
Yes it was and still is only you who has that effect
We use to make love , wrap to each other like a second skin.
I miss the kisses you use to place on my chin.
Even the ones left on that spot that's forbidden
Now your with someone else letting her taste all that I once savored.
I know that am your ex but I envy your next cause she might be your last which simple means I might not get another chance to gasp at the fullness of your length filling my passage.
If we ever meet again I pray your still bless with the touch that has me stress so we can fuck one last time and put my feelings to rest.
When you get a chance to read this text please don't get all excited all I miss is the sex!
© Nattania Higgins