

Little Bird
An egg began to crack in a cozy leafy nest
Poor creature inside, clueless on how to get out
Nobody to succor, leaving him stressed
Indecisive on what to do, he decides to just give all out.

And so the egg shattered into tiny pieces
Yet when he thought such challenge will be put to an end
Cold breezes came, and so his fear increases
Poor bird, all alone as his body had weakened.

He closed his eyes, covered himself with a single leaf
He thought that he may not live another day
Rueful bird, in his first day he did not even get to feel safety and relief
From a mother that is supposed to be there and not flew away

Hours, days, weeks had passed
Little bird, surprisingly lasted
Without a mother at his side
Yet still living even deep down he is tired.

As he try to gather more food
So that he won't suffer from hunger
The bird that before onto the branch was glued
Now leapt fearfully, hoping he will fly like a feather

Sadly he was unable to spread
His wings that he had trusted
Shaking yet he kept on falling
And so hit the ground after failing

Suddenly strong winds flew pass by
Light he was, winds carried him up to the sky
He spread his wings as he moved north
Suddenly was able to fly, after all of his effort

He tells himself that winds is what he lacked
But no, my dear, it was rather courage he needed
The courage and bravery to fly high
And ever since then, clearer were the skies.

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