

Love in Black and White.
How I wish I could replah those fascinating dreams.
That ardent feeling that lit up my whole emotions in a brand new mood.
When I could see your pretty face in my mirror each morning.
Your ethereal beauty reflected apparent rainbow colours.
While we dived within the pool of enormous joy, our eyes refelected sincere love beams.
But here I lie today, stabbed in the chest and killed in the soul.

This peternatural sophisticated emotions I am captivated in,
There is no where better to live but your lovely Inn.
I sneeze tears and cry bood, for my whole life is in the air.
The to and fro of the world's direction determines my destiny.
For this love I fell in,was indeed an external merciless pit you could err.

I never doubt Cupid's principles of love's affection but I doubt Cupid's whole existence.
Cupid is nothing but a scam to the youth's heart.
But this greatest prejury I ever made,that I swear never to repeat,
Lies in the abode of my soul that one day the intended fallacu that I gave my heart to you will turn to a permanent inevitable fact that,
I have given my heart and soul to Christ.

© Jay Lit