

As She sat majestically on her throne,
Clothed in her favourite robe of white and accessories of green
The Queen of the Land who has absolutely no say over her land
Only there to show dignity and pride
She was an envy to other women who had no land
As She sat chained to her throne drinking her freshly imported wine
She couldn't help but wonder if she had made a mistake
If those she put in power had betrayed her land
Was She truly independent if she had no say over her land
Was She?
She shrugged, at least she was a giant to counterpart lands
She looked through the window and saw that her people were working like elephants and eating like ants
Was She truly independent?
Well at sixty two, she was as strong
as ever
She could make changes as time went on
Maybe She was independent after all
But for now, maybe her people were the ones independent of her as she watched her people slowly walking out of the Land.

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