

autumn hues..
Some autumn feuillemort delights are still reminiscence of yore,
Bringing glide of mists making heart go sore,

As the mind refrains from hearty contents striving hard to disobey taming them as bygone alleys,
But emotions betray thronging clenching wanting to dwell in shame,

Age hasn't brought cobwebs still grey metaphors cling on memories,
A thought abided as lonesome feels do the wind sometimes brings minute turbulence does it knock the doors of that loved now as intruder too,

Maybe past is just a reel of feels must be a saga of forgotten emotion of hunger feeds and soon practical of present thumps closing dark closets drenched once but felt more,
There returning back whispering,
Somethings just can't go back, on timelines nor a time machine to take you to those moments of yore.
© Soni Mirchandani