

As you percieve
Sometimes mornings are brighter
but hues of blue are much more deeper
be it morning or night
there is always a reason to stay upright
do not let your imagination vanish
in the world where everyone is selfish
thinking twice before confessing
it's because you are looking at the darker side and never addressing
that fears are illusion but tears might be a conclusion
its not about always relying on experiences or instinct
each and everyone is distinct
sometimes it works and sometimes it acts as a fork
trying and confessing
getting aggressive and still doing my own dressings
you think its beauty
no it's confetti
either of darkeness or monotony
you might think escaping from responsibilities
but searching for new possibilities
that dwell that like a cascade deep within
because some times you are meant to shine brighter
but people take it lighter

just a confession
ignition of soul
enlightenment of mind
finding the balance
that goes in the headspace
but learning to master with a gradual pace

kunjal Sharma
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