

A Wish
I wish I could look into ur eyes
And wish all the pain I've caused you away
Make u forget that gal who comes with pain
Take in oblivion the memories that bears my name

I wish I could look into your eyes
With a bright smile and tell you to go on
And that it's okay
That my time has run out
I can't hold your hands anymore
But look back n say
Smile more

I wish I could look into your eyes
Bring my gaze down to ur lips
Then down to your crotch
And then submit myself to your thoughts
Maybe boldly, your touch

I wish I could look into ur eyes
Let it all go
Break the walls I've built
N stare at the view
N maybe say Wat u tink

I wish I wasn't this selfish
To walk in, have fun n yet put the blame on ur head
I wish I could show the world
You are one beautiful soul
The heart only gets to understand
You burn, you freeze
You warm, tickles, prick
Comfort, pains, sour n sweet
It makes you an amazing person

I wish I could look into your eyes
N mouth friends
N hug
N keep my heart from racing wildly
I can't stay... Neither leave
You know too much
I can't hate... Just love
So let's slow our hearts
Keep it in the background
N go back for it
If it's meant to be

akosualiv 💛💙