

Wars and Rose
Wars were won but their humanity lost,
Killed many innocent, now pay for the cost,

No one listen to us because we are young,
Be shameful because the heart never lies, what lies is the tongue.

We try must music & art to divert our daughters and sons,
So, they could never hear the deafening sounds of the guns.

Crumbled our houses and destroyed our crames,
Murdered those children, for the money and the fame!

Why don't we stand up and give a rose,
Can't this melt the heart that hatred has froze?

Did you all forgot about the attack on Gaza?!

Did you forgot about the sacrifice or the several destroyed plazas?

Just take a rose and ought for the peace,
Wars are the things that we need to cease.

We don't need dead bodies or orphans in need,
Only want a country who does good deeds.

Just give a rose in the name of humanity,
Please give them a rose in the name to drove off insanity.

© Fifa 🦋