

A Letter To You
You look in the mirror, who do you see? you?
Year in, year out, you keep seeing you, keep loving you
Day in, day out you keep being you, keep trying to do you,
But the truth is your "you" is broken, confused, tired and sinful
Yet your you would always tell you, "you be you"

You look in the mirror, and you see those sad eyes reflecting the deep emptiness and loneliness inside you
yet you still try to convince you that "You Are Enough"
Your you wants you to love, accept, and nurture your broken you.
But you see, that gaping hole in your heart yearning for true happiness, for true satisfaction, never gets filled
Do you know why?
it's because you keep trying to fill that vacuum with every thing but HIM
Drugs, sex, relationships, and achievements never seem to be enough to fill that vacuum, but rather leave you feeling more lonely than before.

Now reality dawns on you: YOU ARE NOT ENOUGH
Yes you are not enough, but HE is.
He stretches his hands towards you, calling out to you.
His voice is heard in the streets, he raises his voice in the market place saying," Come! Come to me all of You who are tired (of self and sin) and I will give You rest.

For as many who would heed his call today, he would give you HIS version of YOU–one that is reconciled and complete in HIM. one who would deny You, and follow him,
because HE, He is true satisfaction; Christ, Christ is true satisfaction indeed.

And it is my prayer this year that YOU DON'T DO YOU,
that you will be reconciled, transformed and complete in him.
And it's my prayer that you look in his mirror (The Bible), seeking HIS YOU for you.
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