Pain is all I go through each day,
It's sad how it never goes away.
There's been no day that I haven't shed a tear
Now I sit down here in fear,
With my mind wandering around in dispair
My dreams are all busted and my hopes despondent,
Asking myself one question to another knowing very well that I wasn't going to get an answer.
Why me? What did I ever do to deserve such discomfort?
There comes intractable tears,
Running down my soft pale cheeks like the rain...
Pain is all I go through each day,
It's sad how it never goes away.
There's been no day that I haven't shed a tear
Now I sit down here in fear,
With my mind wandering around in dispair
My dreams are all busted and my hopes despondent,
Asking myself one question to another knowing very well that I wasn't going to get an answer.
Why me? What did I ever do to deserve such discomfort?
There comes intractable tears,
Running down my soft pale cheeks like the rain...