

Fell For You
The middle of December, when the story started
Little did I know I'd suddenly fall for you
Wasn't ready for these thoughts to be recorded
No matter how much denying, guess these feelings are true
My younger self would be speechless of what's happening now
I can't keep this a secret for much longer
Fading out and I don't know how
For many months I was remaining stronger
Can't keep it in anymore
Time to let true colors show
Coming down to the conclusion these feelings are real
But why would a guy like you
Be into a girl like me?
Kind of hard to conceal
So dreamy it secretly kills me
And if you ever heard this song I'd die
Cuz of how it makes me feel inside
Just like a puppy
So loyal and honest to God, just adorable
Boy I'm wanting you to trust me
Im not that uncontrollable (What I know of)
Getting over my last crush was easy
Cuz when I saw you that night it was like the sparks were flying all around the room
Hard to say, feeling guilty as hell
But I think I fell for you
That time I got lost in your eyes
I freakin fell for you

© Rosie