

Happiness Sucker
I thought our friendship was for the better.
We laughed out loud at jokes we share,
Told those secrets only to each other.
Shared the same bedsheet to keep us warm at night.
I thought this was our sacred story.
It had all seasons combined in a whirl wind.
It held treasures of the season in its gold sealed chest.
Our greatest treasures sought out from each other.
But all stories has an ending.
But meaningful like the stars above the galaxies.
I know sad comes to u every once in a while.
wasn't I there to carry u for the day?
wasn't I the one u came always to;
for every silly things tht u had trouble with?
Then tell me why?
Why lie to a face tht u held like a mirror.
Not once or twice or thrice or quadruple.
But enough to be the disgust of my life.
Not once u came to b my aid.
When I needed my best frnd for a sec!
Sorry is a word tht u said,
a word best frnds can't say to one another!
You're selfish, unkind, not a kindred spirit I thought u were.
Go away, far away, to the edge of the cliff!
Not to fall, but to see how deep you've wounded;
How you dried me of my happiness!
Still u don't even realise what you've done.
I know you'll come back tomorrow...
Asking again for a favour to give.
I know you'll never come clean to me.
So now my friend, beware of me.
The tide has turned in against you.
I've lost tht treasure we both tht built.
I'm just saying hungry wolf, I'll eat you raw.
Just keep your distance where you'll be safe..
From. me your once true best of friend!!
© @Simba Mongzar