


scars on her body,the one that you would cringe when you lay your eyes on.
scars on her body,the one that makes her less beautiful in humans eyes.
Each scars having its own story,
Each representing something deep drawn on her body.
Dark and deep that no tissue oil can erase
perhaps that's the beauty that she tries to display,as humans have ways of understanding one's true value
wait..what caused the scars.?
cliché they never try to understand the reason behind but just quick to shame and judge.
so how would they understand them.
Scars on her body,they frown everytime they see them
it's clear as crystal tha if they do see the one that are deep within me they would die instantly,even though they are the reason behind them all,that when I choose my skin to display their beauty of their lives they cringe instead of appreciating the predicaments that came with their existence.
she choose her body to display the history of unspoken thoughts and pain rather than causing that scars to them,two wrongs doesn't make it right she reckon.