

Missing Something
The Rain Will Come
Symptoms Is In My Eyes
You Know The Mind Today
What Is This.?

Accustomed To Love Or Anything
Times In My View
Widen & Slippery Paths

This Is Something
Lean On Your Shoulder
When Excited
Eyes That Takes

Looking For You
I See With You

The Flower Blooms
When It Leaves Road
Where Are You, Baby.?
Asked Me That
Then Let It Dry

An Unknown
Sown In Age
That's You Grown

A New Mother One
In The Flower Too
Plucked Your Footprint
I Saw The Way I Went
I Came & It Was Halfway Not lost

I Asked For Good Times With You
Who Gave The Wounds
On The Way
They'll Will
Give Way Too,
This Love Too
A Form Of Torture Itself
It Burns Us Alive
In The Longing

© Gautam K Vasu #EasternMansoon