

A Sequel To- Maximizing Life Quote.
Are you interested
in a life of fleece
'Keceracera' you say
Whatever would be,
Would surely be

If you don't desire
To live long and strong
Then keep avoiding the tide
Which leads unto life

Forgetting the truth
About the circles of life
That without a Seed
No farmer can till

Without tilling
There won't be, planting seasons
Without which
There would be no Tree

Without the Tree
There would be no fruits
Without the fruits
There would be no food

Without the food
there would be no life
And without life
There won't be impact

Without impact
Our world nose dives
For lack of tilling
Life returns to the start

A pool of waters
With darkness all around
An abyss of emptiness
With no breath of life

Nature abhors vacuum
For this you see
Simply because
You refused to till.
©Grace_The_Poet ✨


This is a sequel to the Quote on living life through sacrifice. You can revert, to begin from the start.

Thank You.

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