

Dream, dream with all your existence's worth.
Dream, even if nothing is left to be given a worth.
Dream because Dream is the magic to our life.
Dream even if it gives you misery and strife.
But when you dream, be brave enough to dream in a way that rewards you the purpose of your life.
Dream in a way that it becomes the reason of your muse, your longing and your smile.
No matter how deep you are lost in the darkness, enjoy the glittery shimmers of the dreamland.
And when you dream, never forget that there is Someone
who is dreaming with you;
dreaming to make the stake turn into a favour for you.
They dream losing the flavors of their own
because they have only you to be called their own.
So, when the dream of yours becomes too heavy to care,
try to give them some of your burden instead.
Try not to give them your anger and a cold stare.
They may be near, they may be afar.
But they are living to see you become a star.
So, Dream, and be alive in the journey to the becoming from a dream.
© sunshine07