

My Little Brother
When I first saw you I never thought I would gave a damn about a person in my life,
Vampire Diaries and Orginals really teached me, how to love a brother,
I really love you, even though I am being mischievous sometimes,
You are really tender in nature, which I lack,
You are a light of this world,
You taught me to enjoy the smallest of the happiness,
Even though you have now become an adult, I don't know why you are still a baby to me,
I used to think about how you would handle this and that, But well,
Learn how to fight your darkest battles,
Learn how to enjoy your life,
Learn how to gain knowledge,
Just know, I couldn't be here in my life without you,
I feel grateful to you...
You used to get defeated by me in chess, to encourage me,
We are best friends and the worst enemies,
But forever we will have the bond,
A bloody bond!
You used to like everything I love, from Ben 10, Vampire Diaries, Avengers to Pirates of the Caribbean...
You are really a handsome boy(not beautiful than me!!!)
We used to be best buddies..
Remember when we promised to open a brand new theatre in Kanyakumari.....
Learn how to respect everyone!
Learn how to be patient...
Don't just simply trust everyone...
But also give them a chance!
Respect every women with as a highness, that shows how much of you being a man.
That proves that you are raised in the arms of a queen,
This world is being beyond injustice...
Don't hurt anyone.
I love when we watch voice over with snack,
Ben 10 with you is the amazing, I would never forget...

Dedicated ..

If I was dying on my knees
You would be the one to rescue me
And if you were drowned at sea
I'd give you my lungs so you could breathe....

We've taken different paths
And travelled different roads
I know we'll always end up on the same one when we're old