

Want love for animals, freedom for animals
Sometimes I think 'how cool are humans'

Sometimes I think 'how fool are humans'

How skilled are humans! Then

Why animals are killed by humans?

We kill poor animals

We misuse our skills 

All these things are for our own means!?

Yes, animals can harm us, it can be there nature 

But still we kill innocent creatures!

They never did anything wrong to humans, 

What we are doing, that's wrong to animals!

We kill them for religious purpose 

We kill them to eat them 

We torture them to sell them 

All these things happens daily !

Don't have their lives to live?

Don't they feel pain?

(Yeah, they do!)

Neither kill them nor torture them, 

Just love them and give animals 


And yeah!

Always try to save animals, 

As being a REAL HUMAN!!

               POETESS YUKTIKA ~

© yuktika_sarkar