

My Angel
It's 3:20pm, at my window I sit
Just drifting away in a dream
Then suddenly she appeared, a beauty so rare
Surely I'd fallen asleep it would seem

It was brighter, yes; but there was no sun
This angel was walking my way
We'd never met but that day I knew
She would be mine someday

A few years passed and we never spoke
But this vision had captured my mind
Such poise and grace and a quiet strength
I resolved, " my angel I'll find"

Then one day at church I looked around
And there my angel sat
In a yellow dress with a glow from above
Sorry pastor, didn't hear a word after that

We finally met but it wasn't smooth
My tongue would not cooperate
But God IS good, this was His plan
All I had to do was have faith and wait

Some years went by and finally,
I knew it was the time
I asked, she answered." YES!!" she said
It's as if God said, "it's about time."

September 2nd, 1995
The first phase of God's plan was complete
I married my angel, made her my wife
25 years on, life's STILL sweet

I love you my angel, my gift from above
God knew what I needed was you
I promise to cherise you all of my life
Stacey my angel, I LOVE YOU!!!!

© Corey O Johnson