

Friendship and Love
Friendship can turn into love
But love can never turn back to friendship..

There can be friendship in love but not love in friendship..

If friendship is "A SKY", then love is "THE UNIVERSE"..

There can be a sky in the universe but not the universe in a sky..

Sky is a mirror to the universe but not universe to the sky..

Friendship is a bond between many people but Love is a relationship between two hearts..

Bond can turn to relationship but relationship can never turn to just bond..

Buds once bloomed to flowers cannot unbloom to buds..

Caterpillar once became a butterfly cannot unfly to be a caterpillar..

Once a baby is born, baby cannot unborn to a single cell..

Oh!!! dear how can you not know this fact??
How can you go back to just friendship, when you have grown much in love..

You be my love
( or )
You be like friendly lover..
but never be "Just A Friend"..
© Hana