

My Tree
My sole purpose in life once
Was to find me a Tree
One tall and free
Green and Strong
To hang all my burderns upon
One that stood apart from the grove

And I did find My Tree
Drawn to it I was,
I couldn't help but admire
Each time I would pass,
I couldn't help but look upon it

But what caught my attention more
Was the crowd it had drawn
Underneath it they all stood
Awed by it's magnificence
When it was ripe in it's prime
When it's leafs where all green
When it gave them shade
As they took from it to eat

Then it passed it's season
And it's leafs started to wither
It seemed so beautiful and broken
Well a shame they all seemed to fade
Another tree they sought to find shade
I choose to think they lay in ambush
Awaiting the Tree to come to season

A strong feeling of deja Vu
Giving it's all, it seemed to stand strong
Drawn like moths they stood by it
Hoping to hide from their problems
Like their problem was not being late
But to walk to class
Underneath the scorching sun
So they sought it's protection

And protect them it did
But that tree had its flaws too
As perfect as it seemed
As I stood beneath it's leafless branch
I wished nothing more
Than to care for it
Even a tree so magnificent
Had its own problems
How could I lay mine on its branches?
When they held so much responsibility

My sole aim in life once
Was to find me a tree
One tall and beautiful
That stood apart from the grove,
I wished to hang my burdens on it
And This tree I did find
Yet as I stood before it I couldn't
Bare to lay my burdens
For this tree I felt a need to protect
Yes This tree I called mine

© Dena's_poetry