

we make Mistakes
I May make mistakes,
but I am not one.
Those mistakes could be big,
but I am bigger.
the consequences could be strong,
but I am stronger.
No matter how bad it gets,
people have done worse.
and those are the people,
who shame you for being true.
Those people avoid their mistakes,
because they want to believe.
believe that anything else is worse,
worse than what they have done.
but we all face the biggest consequence.
which is yourself.
putting yourself down,
so no one else can.
hiding something you think is awful,
but paranoid people will find out.
it could be one mistake,
it could be more.
but that's why I hold on to faith,
whatever it is, whoever it is.
it doesn't want me to pay for those mistakes, it wants me to grow.
so I will not give up,
after I made a mistake.
I will move on and prove,
why I am bigger than those mistakes.
© Rio Pursia (AKA) DeMario Rankin