

A Broken Heart
A Broken Heart

A Broken Heart is like a broken glass
It can't be amended but-
One can purchase another
The erstwhile may be better than the latter
And the latter may be better than the erstwhile.

A Broken Heart is like a broken ribs
A Broken Heart is like a broken glass
Ones it's break it hard to amend the ribs
If amended it can't be like the new glass

Be careful whom you give your heart to
Some don't care to let it go
A broken heart is like a broken glass
Some honour your charisma but not your heart.

Once you loose them believe in no gain
They don't really care of your pain
Clear the pain and let it pass
A broken heart is like a broken glass.

Pen ✍️ by Boluwatife Alabi 💖

© Boluwatife Alabi