

Chilly crisp air, snow begins to melt below,
the first seeds are planted, at last.
my intentions will grow,
Time will pass.
Manifestation will come to blossom & bestow,
In this midwinter scene, beyond vast.

A Goddess of many contradictions you are.
Passions that flow like a river,
Inspiration is in the aroma, kept it in a jar.
This pen keeps writing as I quiver
Full of fire yet serene,
Peaceful as water in a lake, something to be seen.

Healing vibes, your best know attribute, a many remark.
You are purification, an eternal flame,
A Renewal of life, the missing spark.
I light this candle in your honor, in your name,
Beyond words can speak for the gifts you bring,
Expression of gratitude for this coming sring.

You are a reminder not to be divided, to know our worth.
Unity & harmony our true nature to flow.
Reawaken my connection to mother earth
As within so without, as above so below.