

When legends where born
when the little child was oblivion to the chaos of the world

when naivety was as normal as a child learning to walk
when peace reigned

Whom would I bring back
if I could time jump
Those days before October 1st

Ahmadu bello
Obafemi awolowo
Tafawa balewa
or did nigeria get independent earlier than they should?

If so...
would we still have been at peace
being ignorant of what was out there

because the way I see it,
it's like a man whom never tasted sugar
and when he did,it became his death.

should we have stuck to our precolonial methods
of the oyomasi's
ofor and ozo's
and the Emir's & Sarkin's

but now it seems our eyes are opened
And that knowledge we kill ourselves with,
that freedom abused.

should we have substituted our languages and culture for the french masters

because it seems to me
you gave a bicycle to a child
whom haven't begun crawling

© Juhainah Ibrahim